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Last Updated on October 23, 2023

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There is a fundamental concern of this project with insuring that the design of its products is based on the real needs and constraints of educators, families and children – a strong commitment to the research of tools that all interested parties can and want to include in the educational practice. In this sense, it is very important that we are able to conduct research in close proximity and collaboration with the educational community.

“Quero Fazer”: A Game-Featured Platform for Early Childhood Informal Learning Management.

Doctoral work that aims to co-design and evaluate a platform for the management of childhood informal learning articulated with the domestic resources and formal development goals of each child. More here.

Pedro Silva Ferreira

Semi-Structured Interviews with Primary-School Educators

A set of brief interviews with primary-school educators in the district of Lisbon, Portugal, is required to begin the immersion in the field. To represent different socioeconomic and geographic contexts four school clusters were selected for this study – D. Dinis, Marquesa de Alorna, Rainha Dona Leonor and Cadaval. It is asked that 30 minutes are reserved for each interview and that they take place at each educator’s school. The questions prepared to initiate a conversation are about each educator’s current practice in facilitating learning outside of school – the tools used, the challenges and opportunities for improvement identified.

This study was approved by the Portuguese General Directorate of Education and has the registry number of 1312700001.

If you are an educator in one of these clusters who is willing to participate please consider filling the form below to declare it. These declarations of intention, non-binding, are intended to speed up an authorization from the respective clusters’ administrations to conduct these interviews in a school context and estimate the participation potential of each.

Thank you truly for your contribution!

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