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Last Updated on January 10, 2024

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Cristina Ponte

Supervisor – Media & Education

Full Professor

Communication Sciences Department

College of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH)

Nova Lisbon University (UNL), Portugal

PhD in Communication Sciences (2002), Cristina Ponte is Full Professor in Media and Journalism Studies (2019) at FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Since 2006, Cristina has been the coordinator of the Portuguese team in the EU Kids Online network; She was vice-chair of Reception and Audience Section and of the Temporary Working Group on Children, Youth and Media (2012/...) at ECREA, the European Communication Research and Education Association.

Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Nuno is the coordinator of the Multimodal Systems area of the NOVA-LINCS research unit. He is currently the coordinator of the PhD program in Computer Science and the FCT NOVA coordinator of the PhD program in Digital Media. His research interests cover several aspects of interactive multimedia, creativity, cultural heritage and digital arts. 

Nuno Correia

Co-Supervisor – Computer Science

Full Professor

Computer Science Department

College of Science and Technology (FCT)

Nova Lisbon University (UNL), Portugal

Geoff Kaufman

Co-Supervisor – Game & Narratives

Associate Professor

Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA

Robert E. Kraut Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction & Ph.D. Program Director. Geoff's work is focused on studying the psychological/social impact of fictional narratives, games, and computer-mediated interactions; uncovering and empirically verifying user-specific, design-specific, and situational variables that increase that impact; extrapolating techniques and best practices for the creation of stories, games, and new technologies as “interventions” for social change.

MSc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has developed early in his studies the interest in the bridge between digital technology and social science, particularly in the design and assessment of innovation for social impact. Prior to enrolling his current PhD studies, Pedro has been a founder and lead product manager of a startup company initiative with an academic origin based on a product proposal for residential energy efficiency, developed his range of tools for co-design while working as a user experience designer in an innovation consulting company, and returned to academia to apply these tools to a new product proposal for the sustainability of artisanal fishing.

Pedro Silva Ferreira

Doctoral Researcher

PhD Candidate of the Doctoral Program in Digital Media

College of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) / Science and Technology (FCT)

Nova Lisbon University (UNL), Portugal
